Money Wellness
Illustration of person handing other person money
category iconbenefits
calendar icon20 Sep 2024

DWP to assess whether housing benefit claimants are eligible for pension credit

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will start actively checking if households receiving housing benefit are also eligible for pension credit.

The change means that if you’re already receiving help with your rent, DWP will take a closer look at your financial situation to see if you qualify for the extra support.

After their decision to scrap the winter fuel payment for most pensioners, except those claiming benefits, the government has been under pressure to increase the uptake of pension credit.

Currently, many eligible households don’t know that they qualify for the benefit, meaning they’re missing out on up to £3,900 a year, as well as perks like reduced council tax and a free BBC TV licence.

Chancellor Rachel Reeves said DWP will work with Age UK and local councils “as soon as is operationally possible” to make sure households that are struggling the most aren’t missing out on crucial support.

Housing benefit is one of the legacy benefits being moved over to universal credit as part of a ‘managed migration’ process.

If you receive a letter from  DWP advising you to complete the migration process, you have three months to take action before your benefits are stopped.

Are you getting all the help you’re eligible for?

If you’re claiming housing benefit, you might want to keep an eye out for a letter from  DWP telling you that you’re eligible for pension credit too.

To check whether you qualify for pension credit, or any other benefits, you can use our free benefits calculator.

Avatar of Connie Enzler

Connie Enzler

With a master's in multimedia journalism and over five years' experience as a digital writer and podcast creator, Connie is committed to making personal finance news and information clear and accessible to everyone.

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