Money Wellness

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Find out what benefits you can get here, how to make a claim and what to do if there’s a problem with your payments.

Money Wellness blogs

Illustration of two pensioners

10 Sep 2024

State pension set to rise by £460 in 2025

Next year's rise in the state pension set to be driven by wage growth

Illustration of an old woman wearing a coat and scarf in her cold home

09 Sep 2024

MPs to vote on winter fuel payment cuts amid widespread opposition

Labour faces rebellion over winter fuel payment plans

Illustrated image of a piggy bank

06 Sep 2024

Nearly £60m still available from the Household Support Fund – find out how to claim

This week the government announced an extension of the House Support Fund. However, nearly £60 million worth of this phase remains unclaimed with weeks to go until it closes. Find out if you're eligible for help

Illustrated image of a food parcel. One in five people claiming universal credit had to use a food bank in the last year. Find out about food banks and how to access support if you need it

04 Sep 2024

Universal credit food struggles

One in five people claiming universal credit had to use a food bank in the last year. Find out about food banks and how to access support if you need it

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