Money Wellness

Cost of living help

Financial support and money-saving tips to help with the cost of living.


Food bank support

Find out how to access support from your local food bank.

Money Wellness blogs

Illustration of a train at a station
cost of living

13 Sep 2024

Railway discounts to be cut by operators

Find out how much more you'll be paying

Illustration of boy too hungry to concentrate on his homework
cost of living

11 Sep 2024

Quarter of mums and dads struggling to feed their kids

New report highlights the extent of child poverty

Illustrated image of a piggy bank

06 Sep 2024

Nearly £60m still available from the Household Support Fund – find out how to claim

This week the government announced an extension of the House Support Fund. However, nearly £60 million worth of this phase remains unclaimed with weeks to go until it closes. Find out if you're eligible for help

An illustration of a man putting petrol in his car from an upward arrow-shaped petrol pump, symbolising rising fuel prices.
cost of living

06 Sep 2024

Fuel prices could go up in October

Lowest-income drivers will be hit hardest

Illustrated image of a food parcel. Today is National Food Bank Day. Find out everything you need to know about food banks from how to access them to what you'll get.
cost of living

06 Sep 2024

Seven things you should know about food banks on National Food Bank Day

Today is National Food Bank Day. Find out everything you need to know about food banks from how to access them to what you'll get.

An illustration of a life ring being thrown to a piggy bank in the water.
cost of living

02 Sep 2024

Household support fund extended

Vital lifeline to last another six months

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