Money Wellness
Illustration of a family with five kids
category iconbenefits
calendar icon20 May 2024

Scrapping the two-child benefit cap would be popular with voters

Some 39% of voters would be more likely to vote for a party that pledged to scrap the two-child benefit cap, according to a new poll.

The survey commissioned by Save the Children and shared with i newspaper found 31% of Conservative voters and half of Labour and Lib Dem voters could be swayed in favour of a party making such a promise.

Neither Labour nor the Conservatives have backed calls for the cap to be lifted.

What is the two-child cap?

The two-child cap means parents can only claim child tax credit or universal credit for a maximum of two kids per household. It currently impacts about 1.5 million children and - if it were to be scrapped - 250,000 youngsters would be lifted out of poverty, according to the End Child Poverty Coalition.

Are there any exceptions to the two-child limit?

You can only get extra child tax credit or universal credit for more than two kids if:

  • they were born before 6 April 2017
  • they are disabled
  • you qualify for an exception for child tax credit or special circumstances for universal credit

You may qualify for an exception or special circumstances if:

  • you receive guardian’s allowance
  • you have adopted children
  • the child you’re claiming for is from a multiple birth
  • the child you’re claiming for was conceived through rape and you don’t live with the perpetrator
  • the child you’re claiming for is the child of one of your children who is under 16
  • the child you’re claiming for is not your child or your stepchild and you’re looking after them under a court order or an arrangement with social services (not fostering)

Find out more about exceptions and special circumstances.

Avatar of Rebecca Routledge

Rebecca Routledge

A qualified journalist for over 15 years with a background in financial services. Rebecca is Money Wellness’s consumer champion, helping you improve your financial wellbeing by providing information on everything from income maximisation to budgeting and saving tips.

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