Money Wellness

Debt solutions

Updated 14 March 2025

Can I get car insurance with an IVA?

Get tips on securing a good deal on car insurance if you have an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA).

Will any companies offer me car insurance if I have an IVA?

There will almost certainly be some companies prepared to offer car insurance if you have an IVA. But you’ll probably have less choice and providers willing to offer cover may charge more.

Although admitting you have an IVA may reduce your options, if asked, it’s always best to be honest about your financial situation. This will help prevent potential problems down the line. Being dishonest could invalidate your cover.

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Why does an IVA make it harder to get car insurance?

When an insurance provider sees an IVA on your credit file, they’ll know you’ve had difficulties repaying your debts in the past. And if you want to pay monthly for your insurance, they may be concerned you’ll have trouble sticking to the agreed payments.

Steps to make car insurance more affordable when you have an IVA

If you have an IVA and need car insurance, there are a few options to consider that might help make it more affordable:

Research insurers

Some companies specialise in offering insurance to people with bad credit.  

Compare quotes

Shop around and use comparison sites to find the best deal.

Consider paying upfront

If your budget allows, paying for your car insurance annually could help keep your costs down.

Speak to your IVA provider

If your car insurance costs go up during your IVA, speak to your IVA provider. Your insolvency practitioner (IP) might be able to reduce your IVA payments by up to 15% without permission from your creditors. You’ll need to provide proof of your increased costs before your IP will agree to this though.

Michelle Kight - Money Wellness

Written by: Michelle Kight

Financial content writer

Michelle is a qualified journalist who spent over seven years writing for her local online newspaper. Having grown up in some of the North West’s most deprived areas, she has a first-hand and empathetic understanding of what it means to face serious money worries. With a strong interest in mental health issues, she is a keen advocate of boosting the accessibility of financial wellness services.

Reviewed by: Daniel Woodhouse

Financial Promotions Manager


Last updated: 14 March 2025

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