Money Wellness

Cost of living

    An illustrated collage of brightly coloured silhouettes of household items, clothing, and accessories for hobbies.
    cost of living

    Community sharing could ease money worries

    Where to find free household items

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    An illustration of a single dad carrying a very young child and holding the hand of his young son.
    cost of living

    New taskforce to tackle child poverty

    Find out what help is available.

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    An illustration of a group of older people - three women and two men.
    cost of living

    State pension could increase by £517 next year

    Millions could be better off because of triple lock

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    Illustration of people shopping in grocery store
    cost of living

    ‘Cheapflation’: poorer households’ food bills rose most at peak of cost-of-living crisis

    Lower-income households paid the price.

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    Illustration of piggy bank with plants growing out of it
    cost of living

    People are feeling more positive about their money situation

    Confidence in household finances increasing

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    Illustration of weighing scales with a basket of groceries on one side and coins on the other
    cost of living

    July sees first rise in inflation this year

    Inflation has risen from 2% to 2.2%

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    Illustration of risky money
    cost of living

    Quarter of people engaging in ‘risky financial behaviours’

    Rise in ‘troubling’ borrowing patterns

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    Image of Pound Sterling. Bank of England cuts interest rates to 5% - the first cut since 2020. What does the interest rate cut mean for your money
    cost of living

    Bank of England cuts interest rates for the first time in more than four years

    The Bank of England cuts interest rates to 5% - what does it mean for your money?

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    Illustration of shopping
    cost of living

    People spending less this summer despite falling inflation

    Households cut summer spending due to high living costs

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    An illustration of coins dropping.
    cost of living

    Minimum wage shakeup

    Changes to the way it’s set

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