Money Wellness
Image of two phones - one with an online casino open and the other with a sports betting screen open
category iconmanaging your money
calendar icon27 Jul 2023

Have your say on changes to gambling laws to make the sector safer for all

The Gambling Commission is calling for people to have their say on new proposals to make gambling fairer and safer and protect those who are financially vulnerable.

The commission would like feedback on the proposals from consumers, gambling businesses and other interested groups on a number of proposals.

These proposals include:


Financial risk and vulnerability

Operators will have to conduct risk based and proportionate checks to pick up and understand unusually high losses that are harmful to someone’s financial circumstances.


Remote gaming design

Proposals to reduce the speed and intensity of online products, making them fairer. They will also have to increase people’s understanding about game play.


Improving consumer choice on direct marketing

Provide customers with options to opt-in to the product type they’re interested in and the channels through which they would like to receive marketing. The aim is to empower customers by giving them more control over the direct gambling marketing they’d like to receive and ensure they’re not sent information they don’t want or could be harmful to them.


Strengthening age verification

Extend age verification checks to include smaller gambling premises which are currently exempt. Staff will also be required to check the age of any customer who appears to be under 25 years old, rather than the current 21 years old.


The consultation is open for 12 weeks and will close on 18th October.

If you would like to have your say and help form change, visit Summer 2023 consultation on proposed changes to Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP), Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards (RTS), and arrangements for Regulatory Panels - The Gambling Commission - Citizen Space


Are you struggling with gambling debts?

If you’re worried about your gambling, there are things you can do to get help. You might want to:

  • Limit how much you gamble
  • Talk to someone about your gambling problem
  • Get help to deal with debt
  • Check if you can get a refund if you’ve borrowed money
  • Complain if you were allowed to gamble after you self-excluded
  • Get support if you’re finding things difficult

You can talk to someone about your problem gambling at GamCare –

And if you’re struggling with gambling debts, there’s always a solution. Get in touch with us and we’ll find the right solution for you to help you get back on track.

Avatar of Caroline Chell

Caroline Chell

Caroline has worked in financial communications for more than 10 years, writing content on subjects such as pensions, mortgages, loans and credit cards, as well as stockbroking and investment advice.

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