Money Wellness

Money Wellness

    Image of a couple kissing behind a bunch of red heart balloons. 60% of people spending less on Valentine's Day due to cost of living crisis
    Money Wellness

    The UK’s cost-of-loving crisis – has Valentine’s had its day?

    60% of people we surveyed said they will be spending less this Valentine's Day because of cost of living pressures. Find out how lovers are having to cut back and how to celebrate the National Day of Love on a budget

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    Image of a man with his head in his hands looking at bills with his wife stood behind him holding a baby. Five tips to getting out of debt
    Money Wellness

    February debt timebomb

    We're anticipating a really busy February with a record number of people seeking free debt help. Here's our top five tips if you find yourself struggling

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    Image of Matt being handed his Waitrose vouchers by Rachel Waywell
    Money Wellness

    Money Wellness debt adviser named as hero of the month

    Matthew Sheeran has been named the Cirrus Centre Hero of the Month

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    Image of a man cuddling his daughter with blankets around them in a cold home
    Money Wellness

    Money Wellness to offer a warm space this winter

    We've registered to offer a warm space for local people to escape cold homes this winter

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    Houses of Parliament

    Our thoughts on the autumn statement

    Sebrina McCullough, head of external relations here at Money Wellness, has responded to today's autumn statement by saying there's more work to be done.

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    Money Wellness

    Money Wellness celebrates major milestones

    There's lots of exciting things going on at Money Wellness. Find out about some of our recent successes that'll mean we can help even more people with their problem debt

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    HM Treasury sign

    Our wish list for the Autumn Statement

    With the chancellor finalising his announcement for next Wednesday, we set out the five things we'd like to be included to help households struggling with the cost of living

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    Image of a 1 and a M helium balloon

    Money Wellness reaches £1 million in write-offs

    We've worked tirelessly with creditors to help our most vulnerable customers have their debts written off

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    Someone places a comforting hand on a man's back

    World Mental Health Day: Michael’s story

    When life took an unexpected turn, Michael’s mental health and his finances suffered. Find out what we did to help.

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    A jigsaw puzzle heart on a wooden head cut-out

    World Mental Health Day: Maisy’s story

    How we helped one woman living with mental illness deal with her debt.

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