Money Wellness


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    An illustration of a single dad carrying a very young child and holding the hand of his young son.
    cost of living

    New taskforce to tackle child poverty

    Find out what help is available.

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    Image of someone warming their hands on a radiator. Energy bills are set to rise again from October. Find out what support is available if you're in energy debt or worried about how you'll heat your home this winter

    Energy bills to jump by 9% from October

    Energy bills are set to rise again from October. Find out what support is available if you're in energy debt or worried about how you'll heat your home this winter

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    Illustrated image of people going on holiday. Universal credit and PIP claimants planning holidays are warned to keep the DWP informed or risk prosecution

    Holidays and your benefits: What you need to know

    Universal credit and PIP claimants planning holidays are warned to keep the DWP informed or risk prosecution

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    An illustration of a hand holding out a purple key with an orange house keyring attached.

    Controlling rent does more harm than good

    Global review findings

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    An illustration of 13 people from different jobs.

    Better working conditions on the way

    Govt plans to ‘make work pay’

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    An illustration of a group of older people - three women and two men.
    cost of living

    State pension could increase by £517 next year

    Millions could be better off because of triple lock

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    Illustration of people shopping in grocery store
    cost of living

    ‘Cheapflation’: poorer households’ food bills rose most at peak of cost-of-living crisis

    Lower-income households paid the price.

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    Illustration of piggy bank with plants growing out of it
    cost of living

    People are feeling more positive about their money situation

    Confidence in household finances increasing

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    An illustration of a young woman sitting on the floor with her face buried in her arms and her knees pulled up. Three rainclouds sit above her, symbolising financial difficulty.

    Tens of thousands of unpaid carers in financial crisis

    Benefits overpayments being clawed back

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    Illustration of children learning in a classroom
    managing your money

    Financial Awareness Day – four out of five say financial education could have helped them avoid problem debt

    Find out why we're calling for better financial education in schools.

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    Illustration of weighing scales with a basket of groceries on one side and coins on the other
    cost of living

    July sees first rise in inflation this year

    Inflation has risen from 2% to 2.2%

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    Illustration of diverse workers

    New employment rights would raise living standards for BME workers

    Huge increase of BME people in insecure roles

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    An illustration of a small house between two trees. The house has a red front door and two windows, one larger one downstairs and a small one upstairs.

    Home insurance premiums reach record high

    Why you’re paying more and how to make it cheaper

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    An illustration of someone going to pay an outstanding council tax bill online using a tablet.

    Unpaid council tax soars to £6bn

    Council tax arrears have risen the most since the cost-of-living crisis began.

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    An illustration of two women, one is a younger unpaid carer looking after a confused older relative.

    Govt to consider paid carer’s leave

    What new rules could mean for carers

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