Money Wellness

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Updated 27 February 2025

PIP form question 2: health professionals

This question asks you to list any health professionals you’ve seen about your condition or disability. Below we look at who you can include and a sample answer.

Which health professionals should be included?

You only need to include health professionals you’ve seen because of the disability or condition you’re writing about in your PIP form. This might include:

  • your GP
  • doctors, consultants and nurses
  • care, support and social workers
  • physiotherapists
  • counsellors and therapists
  • podiatrists
  • occupational therapists

If you see any other health professional about your condition, include them too. If a family member or friend helps take care of you, write their information in question 15: additional information

How to answer PIP question 2

Write the name of the health professional, their contact details (address and phone number) and the last time you saw them. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) might contact a health professional you’ve listed in your PIP form to confirm your answers. 

If you haven’t seen anyone about your condition in the last three months, try to make an appointment. Let them know you’re applying for PIP and how your condition currently affects you. This means they’ll be up to date if DWP contact them.

Example answer

Name: Dr John Roberts

Address: North Lakes Medical Practice, 28 Bolton Street, Withington you can find this information online or on a recent letter from the healthcare professional

Postcode: WA15 3ER

Profession: GP

Phone number: +44 1900 875639 always include the dial code

When did you last see them? 24/04/2024  the year is enough if you don’t remember the exact date


If you need help filling in the rest of your PIP form, continue to our guide on question 3.   

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Hannah Aitken - Money Wellness

Written by: Hannah Aitken

Financial content writer

Reviewed by: Rebecca Routledge

Senior Content Manager


Last updated: 27 February 2025

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