Money Wellness

PIP form question 15: additional information

Question 15 isn’t a question, but provides extra space for you to give additional information to support your PIP claim, such as medical evidence or comments from people who know you.  

Person making a PIP claim

What counts as additional information?

You can continue any of your answers to questions 3 to 14 if you run out of space on the form. 

You can also use it to explain if: 

  • someone else filled in the form for you and why
  • filling in the form caused you any anxiety and stress 

You may want to include contact details of any friends and family members who are carers but get their permission first.  

If a friend, family member, carer or health professional has information you think will help your claim, include it here. Their comments need to relate to how hard your condition makes it for you to do the activities covered in questions 3 to 14. 

Some health professionals won’t provide information for benefit applications and some will charge a fee. If you think having input from a health professional you deal with would be helpful, get in touch to ask what their policy is. 

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Examples of additional information 

Example 1 

John Smith is my carer. John filled out this form for me because I find it very painful to hold a pen. I struggle to write due to muscle weakness as a result of my condition. 

His contact details are: [email protected], (mobile number), (alternative phone number). He can be contacted on either phone number between 8am and 6pm on weekdays or via email outside of these hours or at weekends.  

Example 2 

Please find attached a copy of my most recent care plan, as agreed with my GP and my local authority, plus a letter from my GP to support my claim for PIP. 

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