Money Wellness


    woman in blanker in her house with a heater

    DWP paid £5 billion in support for energy bills this Winter

    An estimated £5 billion in support has been paid throughout Winter to help families with energy costs. Find out if you can get any help with your energy bill.

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    stew pot on hob

    Calls for Ofgem to reduce high standing charges on energy bills

    Even though the price cap is lowering bills, standing charges are still increasing, adding around £334 to our bills annually.

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    woman wrapped up warm in her home

    Ofgem says that only 1,500 people compensated so far over prepayment meters

    Many still owed compensation after forced prepayment meter scandal last year.

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    Simple house with icicles on it

    Families in badly insulated homes set to pay £340 more in gas bills

    Find out what support you can get if you're in a badly insulated home.

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    People converting meter reading to energy bill

    Remember to submit your meter readings this weekend

    Households are being urged to submit meter readings to their energy supplier this weekend to ensure they do not overpay when cheaper prices come in on Monday.

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    man looking at energy bill

    Ofgem considers big energy price cap changes

    Energy bills may get cheaper for more than 90% of the country if Ofgem goes through with the new plans it’s considering.

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    Almost one million households due share of £141 million in overpaid council tax

    You might be owed a council tax refund if you've overpaid. Find out how to claim your refund.

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    Average rent over £1,000 a month

    with rent prices remaining high, here's what to do if you're struggling to afford your payments.

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    Image of a prepayment meter. Seven companies approved to recommence force fitting prepayment meters

    Energy firms granted permission to restart force-fitting payment meters

    Several energy companies have been granted approval to resume force-fitting payment meters in homes. Find out of if your supplier is on the list

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    an illustrated couple filling a blue car up with petrol

    Car tax set to rise with inflation

    UK drivers will be hit with a standard car tax increase from April, based on the Retail Price Index (RPI). Find out if you're exempt.

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