Money Wellness


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    Illustration of blue telephone against yellow background

    NHS launches 24/7 mental health crisis support service

    What to do if debt is affecting your mental health

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    Illustrated image of children in school uniform. The country's cheapest supermarket is giving away £100 vouchers to help parents with back to school costs
    money saver

    Aldi is giving away £100 vouchers to help parents with uniform

    The country's cheapest supermarket is giving away £100 vouchers to help parents with back to school costs

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    An illustration of a group of teenagers with visible and non-visable disabilities

    Thousands of young disabled people missing out when DLA ends

    Check you’re getting all the help you’re entitled to.

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    Illustrated image of someone cold at home. Despite government schemes to help, the number of households living in fuel poverty isn't falling according to a new report. Find out what help is available if you can't afford to heat your home
    cost of living

    Fuel poverty isn’t falling despite policies to help

    Despite government schemes to help, the number of households living in fuel poverty isn't falling according to a new report. Find out what help is available if you can't afford to heat your home

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    Illustration of sales in shop
    cost of living

    Shop prices drop for the first time in almost three years

    Non-food items were 1.5% cheaper than a year ago.

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    Illustration of older people on laptop

    Benefit now claimable online but only on Mondays

    Apply for attendance allowance online

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    Illustration of house of parliament
    managing your money

    PM: “Things will get worse before they get better”

    Fixing Tories’ mess will be difficult, Starmer says

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    An illustration of four houses in yellow, green, blue and red between two trees with a blue, cloudy sky in the background.

    People waiting for social housing for 10+ years

    Four in five councils have long wait times.

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    An illustration of a woman looking in her empty purse, wondering how she's going to pay for transport, groceries or her home because of the cost-of-living crisis.
    cost of living

    The 20 towns and cities the cost-of-living crisis has hit hardest

    Where debt worries are highest

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    Illustrated image of someone turning on a tap. 15 charities have written to the government asking for the introduction of a single water discount scheme across the country. Find out what support is available if you're struggling with water bills

    Charities call for universal water discount

    15 charities have written to the government asking for the introduction of a single water discount scheme across the country. Find out what support is available if you're struggling with water bills

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    Illustrated image of a family. Changes to child benefit payments have resulted in a 16% rise in applications. Find out if you qualify for the payment

    Child benefit claims on the rise - check if you qualify

    Changes to child benefit payments have resulted in a 16% rise in applications. Find out if you qualify for the payment

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    Illustrated image of someone cold in their home. Energy bills to jump by 9.5% from October.The average annual energy bill to rise to £1,717 from October. Find out what to do to prepare your home for higher energy bills this winter

    Energy bills to jump by 9.5% from October

    The average annual energy bill to rise to £1,717 from October. Find out what to do to prepare your home for higher energy bills this winter

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    Illustration of shopping scam
    managing your money

    Watch out for fake shopping sites that could be scams

    Victims conned out of £6.6m

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    Illustration of teenagers

    Don’t forget to extend your teen’s child benefits

    Extend your claim by 31 August

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    An illustration of five different sized houses in front of six larger buildings and blocks of flats.
    rent & utility help

    Labour ‘to hike social rent prices’

    Tenants could struggle even more

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