Money Wellness

Form N244 

An N244 form can be used to ask a court to cancel or vary a judgment, or suspend an enforcement process.

Focusing on using it to ask for a CCJ to be cancelled, this guide explains what an N244 form is and how to fill it in. 

Selection of documents and bills

What is an N244 form?

You can use court form N244 to apply to have a CCJ cancelled (set aside). 

For your application to be successful, you’ll need to prove the CCJ was unfair or incorrect e.g. if you didn’t know you had a CCJ against you.   

You can also use an N244 to ask for a hardship payment order when you’ve received a third party debt order. This releases some of your money so you can afford essential living costs after your money has been frozen by the court. 

Another use of the N244 is to ask for a reduction in the amount being taken directly from your wages as a result of an attachment of earnings order.

Person asking a question

When can a CCJ be set aside?

You can ask for a CCJ to be set aside if: 

If a CCJ is set aside, it will be removed from the Register of Judgments, Orders and Fines. When your CCJ is removed from the register, the credit reference agencies will be told and it will be deleted from your credit file too. 

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Will setting aside a CCJ cost me anything?

There's a fee to submit an N244 form.

How much that fee is will depend on what you're using the form for.

It costs £303 to ask for a CCJ to be set aside.

Wallet with coins and bank notes

Can I get any help with paying the court fee?

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you may be able to get help paying any court and tribunal fees. 

Scales of justice with gavel and coin

How do I use an N244 form to set aside a CCJ?

  • complete form N244, explaining why the CCJ should be set aside
  • return the form to the court
  • pay the court fee
  • let your creditor know you’ve asked for CCJ to be set aside 
Two people talking about finances over coffee

What should I tell my creditor?

If you didn’t respond to the original claim form, explain why you didn’t reply in time and provide some background information i.e. you didn’t respond to the claim form in time because you were in hospital. 

If you’re disputing the amount claimed, explain why you think it’s wrong and provide copies of any supporting evidence e.g. bank statements.  

Customer talking to an adviser on the phone

How do I fill in form N244 to get my CCJ set aside?

The form has an information box in the top right-hand corner, followed by 10 questions. 

Write your name in the ‘defendant’ box, your creditor’s name in the ‘claimant’ box and add the date.  

Also include the name of the court, your claim number and warrant number (if applicable). 

  • question 1 – write your name here
  • question 2 – tick ‘defendant’ and write ‘N/A’ in the box next to ‘If you are a legal representative whom do you represent?’
  • question 3 – explain why the CCJ was raised against you and why you are applying for it to be set aside
  • question 4 – tick ‘yes’ and attach a copy of the CCJ that was sent to you 
  • question 5 – tick ‘at hearing’ - this is how most applications will be dealt with
  • questions 6, 7, 8 – leave these blank rather than guess
  • question 9 – write the name of the creditor who raised the CCJ here as they are the claimant, including their address.
  • question 10 – tick ‘the evidence set out in the box below’ and include supporting information such as:
    • you have taken debt advice from Money Wellness or another debt advice provider
    • you are offering to make repayments at a rate you can afford
    • any concerns associated with the CCJ going ahead, such as your job being at risk 

Include copies of any paperwork supporting your application, such as proof you’ve changed address.  

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